Organic Gardening VS Permaculture Design

organoc gardening vs permaculture design

Agriculture as we know it is one of the – if not THE – essential factors in the global economy. It provides life-sustaining food for all people. Yet, the farming industry is far from being sustainable in any form. Its immense carbon emissions and use of chemicals pollute the environment and deplete the soil of its living organic matter. We should draw attention to the fact that soil degradation leads to “sterile” lands and, in some scenarios, desertification. People have been seeking solutions to address this challenge, which brings us to organic gardening and permaculture design. To understand the distinctions and similarities between these two options, I compare them both below. 


Some farmers and individuals provide solutions for cultivating organic produce that is safer and healthier food.

Organic gardeners focus primarily on agricultural practices without using chemical pesticides and fertilizers. They use crop rotation, composting, animal manure-approved natural sprays, and other natural means to control plants’ pests and diseases. By using composting these farmers significantly help improve degraded agricultural land.

To understand the distinction between these two methods, we remark on their objectives. Organic gardening focuses on the agricultural output that offers people
healthy produce.


Permaculture is defined as sustainably cultivating farming ecosystems. The practice of permaculture design (aka Ecological design) deals with integrating systems such as growing food, health care, shelter, education, soil, land use, and security for all living things. It draws natural inspiration to develop synergetic farming systems based on plant diversity and guilds, soil fertility, saving energy and water.

As a design-focused system, it protects ecological regenerative functions and aims to ensure a long-term sustainable harmony with nature. It offers ways to regard and contemplate how things are naturally co-related.


Permaculture’s pillars are a set of ethics or, more specifically, three universally agreed-upon norms: earth care, people care, and fair share.

Earth Care
Whatever methods we use to pursue a yield should consider the preservation and stewardship of the land. In the end, caring for the earth will, in turn, ensure our ability to take care of the second ethic.

People Care
Human relationships, just like the relationships of the elements in a garden, are at the heart of people care. Because of permaculture, they would live more prosperous lives and create healthier communities.

Fair Share
The third ethic, Fair Share, is where we share abundance generously. Farming in a sustainable way means a fair share – reinvesting back in the people who do the work and into the system for future generations!


  • A design system should follow observation and analysis.
  • Whole systems thinking is a method to understand how elements are connected and how they influence one another sustainably.
  • Creating no waste by using it as compost or recycling.
  • Acting responsibly to protect the ecosystem and long-term sustainability.
  • Ensures careful planning for the use of natural resources.
  • Conserving diversity: polyculture instead of monoculture.
  • Plant stacking for intensive growing.
  • Energy planning: zones and sector design.
  • Develop polyculture guilds and include perennials.

Permaculture is a highly developed Art, Science, and Philosophy – all in one.

It takes a bit more work and thoughtful planning to establish a permaculture garden than a typical organic garden. The permaculture planning and design will ensure the use of local natural resources and care for the soil restoration if needed. In that case, it will be the solution for nurturing not only individuals but an entire community.

Even if you practice organic gardening, you can still develop a sense of awareness for nature’s ecological harmony and preservation. A planetary view of climate change shows us the fragility of the earth. We must be aware of the global regenerative movement. One of the ways to participate in the change is by taking part in cultivating food in a resourceful way without creating waste. Organic gardening and Permaculture design are two systems that can accomplish the change needed to preserve the environment.

Taking from Buckminster Fuller’s adagio (message) “Think Globally – Act Locally” we paraphrase our mission statement to “Think Globally – Grow Locally”

Permaculture Nextdoor

Permaculture Nextdoor from Ruth Meghiddo on Vimeo.

The challenges facing our food systems are colossal. Every year, the demand for food rises, people flock to cities, climate change alters weather patterns. Uncertainty threatens the ability to get the healthy food we need. Our goal is to create sustainable opportunities in growing fresh local food wherever you live.

Urban farming ensures the future of cities by maintaining their connection with Nature

How can we contribute to the extreme challenges facing worldwide?
The practice of Permaculture Design (aka Ecological Design) deals with integrating systems such as growing food, health care, shelter, education, soil, water, and land use in a sustainable way. Permaculture ethics derives from respect for the Earth, care for people, and the creation of ecological and environmental stability for future generations.

The World Health Organization predicts that by 2030, 80% of the population in developed countries and 56% in less-developed countries will live in urban locations. Feeding all those people is becoming increasingly difficult if we rely solely on conventional agriculture by cultivating food in rural areas and transporting it into urban locations.  We must consider that the energy needs of towns and cities will also continue to grow as their populations do.

The planet needs growing sustainable food for the urban population.
People of all ages can grow a portion of food close to home and actively create a greener, healthier life.

Permaculture design is a roadmap to resilience: it helps create sustainable systems for an extended period. It is about placing the design elements together with the natural world. Permaculture provides a framework that consciously mimics the patterns found in Nature.

We draw from permaculture knowledge and methods to observe, analyze, and design opportunities for local environmental situations.

Cultivating food as forest gardens within the city will benefit the environment and the community value of its citizens. It will get more nutritious food at hand, fewer pollutants, less noise, less carbon traffic footprint, less parking areas!

Among many greens and vegetables, we grow arugula, kale, mustard greens, beets, celery, peppers, eggplants, cabbages, broccoli, carrots, and cauliflowers.

We grow green beans, peas, and cherry tomatoes on the light bamboo posts.

Adjacent to the area dedicated to everyday food production are the nitrogen fixers cover crops to provide friendly insect pollinators. They include borage, comfrey, clover, chicory, and many medicinal and culinary herbs, like chamomile, thyme, mint, basil, parsley, cilantro, sage, and rosemary.

As an integral part of the forest farm, the orchard has a variety of fruit trees; it thrives by an ample number of companion plants. In southern California, we can grow papaya, figs, avocado, cherimoya, apricots, peaches, pomegranate, lemons, oranges, and grapefruits.

Along the fence are espaliers growing fruit trees like apples and pears with blueberry and raspberry bushes underneath.

There is a space dedicated to food, music, and inspiring conversations for relaxation. It illustrates how a resilient model for a food forest can significantly pause the hectic city life, bringing home some peacefulness of the countryside.

We provide a personalized design solution for growing food sustainably.

The semicircular raised beds are dedicated to mentoring the young in the field. Children of any age can acquire permaculture thinking and practical skills to benefit the next generation.

The mindful garden farm can be enriched with dedicated animal husbandry, chickens, pygmy goats, and additional composting area.

It shows that we all can enjoy some pastime in Nature, contribute to a healthier lifestyle, and achieve a roadmap for climate change adaptation!


The Case For Living Streets

My recent trip to Argentina offered an opportunity to observe the transformation of the Belgrano neighborhood from a particular time perspective. The first encounter with it was when it was just starting to change from an area of single-family homes dotted by six to eight-story high condominiums.

1A.Fast-forward to 2021; it has become a high-density upper-middle-class neighborhood, where only a few low-rise buildings are the exception. Surprisingly, today, where most buildings are eight and ten-story in height, the presence of its taller trees has intensified. Looking for the sun between tall buildings, many are now rubbing their branches on the eighth floor.

2A.Many of its less-traveled streets have a plethora of fancy little boutiques, sidewalk cafés, bakeries, restaurants, service stores, and schools. Small supermarkets, vegetable and fruit stands, health food stores are commonplace.

3A.The lively streets are safe for pedestrians: it reflects the care and thoughtfulness of creating a desirable place to live.

4A.The abundance of trees is a significant factor. It did not happen by chance.

When Jules Charles Thays, a Parisian landscape architect, came to Argentina in 1889, he got fascinated with the young country and decided to spend the rest of his life in Argentina. In 1891 he was named Director of Parks & Walkways.

Trees can co-exist and even thrive next to tall buildings!

5A.Studies show that green, walkable, and livable communities are healthier for individual, environmental and economic health. The copious tree canopies along the Belgrano streets give the neighborhood a sense of community pride and peacefulness.

See the video of a street:


Trees have an active, beneficial role in improving a city’s air quality: they absorb CO2 through their leaves and release oxygen into the air through photosynthesis. They also moderate the temperature and humidity of the environment by evaporation, herein reducing the air-conditioning cost. Trees attract birds and butterflies, reduce street noise, and beautify the street spaces.
The moderate kind of urbanization with no speeding cars in the narrow residential streets improves the safety and well-being of the residents.
Trees are the primary stabilizers of the planet’s ecosystem. They are our best companions, contributing to a considerable absorption of CO2 and providing oxygen in the air.

This post allows me to confirm an observation about a permaculture approach in the Belgrano neighborhood of Buenos Aires. Nature integrates into the built environment for mitigating Climate Change to protect and re-establish vital ecosystems.

Permaculture Master-Planning

Permaculture design is moving into the mainstream at a rapid speed!

We face extreme challenges: Covid-19, economic disparity, depletion of natural resources, and the daunting Climate Change. In what way can each of us contribute to both our health and the health of Planet Earth?

The practice of permaculture master-planning deals with integrating systems such as growing food, health care, shelter, education, soil, land use, and security for all living things. Permaculture ethics is based on respect for the earth, care for the people, and fair share. We aim to create ecological and environmental harmony for future generations.

This project is about a site in the transition to becoming an example of a regenerative permaculture system. It will serve a community eager to participate in a genuine way that positively impacts the neighborhood. Equally important, children and youth can be stimulated to engage in outdoor learning and in understanding nature.

The goal is to create enthusiasm for an eco-friendly system and cultivate companion planting (guilds) with polyculture rather than monoculture. The permaculture master-planning system will include integrating food cultivation, fruit trees, medicinal and native plants, recreation areas, and animal husbandry.

Site Description

We maintained the general configuration of the site and provided cultivation for diverse functional spaces. Bordering to the area dedicated to everyday food production is supported by many medicinal and culinary herbs that provide friendly insect pollinators (#18).

In addition to a few existing fruit trees, we propose many orchard trees (#10, 12, 16, 17, 21) nourished by a large set of companion plants and recycled compost. On site, there are light structures, a pine grove (#22), citrus fruits (#16), mulberry, pomegranate (#17), olive trees, and other native plants (#20).

Additionally, the whole site shall be seeded with various nitrogen-fixing ground covers to regenerate and enrich the soil.

Amid the food production (#19), we have the Wander Path (#8) with resting seats that crosses over from the outdoor classrooms area (#7) and native plants (#20) to the retreat area (#23).

Encompassing these areas is a Discovery Path (#11) connecting the initial meeting area (#24) on one end to the gathering space (#2) for welcoming neighbors to share a fresh-made pizza from the oven.

The outdoor classrooms and gathering areas (#7) can become a magnet for connecting with the community. The site would be illuminated in the evening to encourage inclusive social interaction.

Both fences (#15) on the east entrance side and on the west side are used for vertical gardening with fruit espaliers, various berries, and pollinators underneath.

The area dedicated to animal husbandry, chickens and Pygmy goats (#4), is situated next to the Hügelkultur growing bed (#5) and additional compost area (#6).

We provide an underground 3k gal water tank (#13) to harvest the water from the adjacent run-off rain-cannel. The water will be pumped to all growing areas, with the energy supplied by the solar collectors (A, B, C).

Ideally, communities can provide available spaces that meet the needs for food cultivation, soil restoration, education, and contribution to the global concern of sustainability, by practicing permaculture. Children and adults will learn to enjoy nature and empower their neighborhood to become beautifully self-sustainable and bountiful.

Suppose we accept today’s global challenges together. In that case, Permaculture systems will be the solution for sustainability and nurturing communities and individuals alike.

Feel free to message us to continue this conversation. :]

View of the site, West to East, December 2020


A single LOT can do A LOT with Permaculture Design

This single urban lot is a Permaculture Design case study that brings into focus the Permaculture set of ethics: care of the people, care of the earth, and return of surplus.

The premise starts by trying to find out how much abundance and wellbeing we can obtain by applying Permaculture principles on a typical urban size lot in a Long Beach neighborhood. We want to make the case to demonstrate the capacity of a single lot to become a productive, self-sustained, and abundant community farm.

The focus is on bringing together people of all ages, help them connect to the natural environment, grow fresh food locally, and envision a meaningful way to tackle climate change.

The principal functional components of this project are:

Wellness, Community, and Teaching

Farm Urbana’s MISSION of this project is to articulate a connection between Wellness, Community, and Teaching, to shape a beneficial interaction among members, functions, and elements on the farm, create a design strategy, and enlarge the conversation about climate change and what we can do about it, individually.

Our VISION is to amplify the attention given to the young generation to engage them in the Permaculture way of learning, observing, and working on the farm. Farming, as a process, facilitates connecting the children to natural cycles, rules to follow, make choices, and make decisions, which are great attributes to develop a sense of self-worth and empowerment.


sample of espaliers, raised beds, trellis, vines, and coups

As part of the site analysis in review, we realize that a tucked-in urban lot like has its advantages: The lot is protected from winds, floods, and fires.

By observing the sun trajectory, we start to understand the site and how to take full advantage of the sunny areas for cultivation, as well as of the needed shade areas for other side activities.

As we focused on several Permaculture Design principles, stacking elements together helped to incorporate multiple functions in its design. The principle of stacking serves well on a small lot.

By combining elements, and functions throughout the farm, it becomes a recurring aspect that includes stacking of diverse kinds and size of trees in the fruit forest, by selective vegetable guilds and by creating opportunities for vertical edible vine plants.

For example, tomatoes and cherry tomatoes on the bridge trellises, become connectors between the vegetable patches. The leguminous crops, like beans and peas, are trained to climb on the vertical bamboo triangle posts. The leguminous plants are valuable for the nitrogen released from the nodules on their roots.

Plenty of sun beaming upon the Northern site fence, from the South, offers the benefits of the edge effect on the patterns forming on vertical growing apple and pear espaliers. Stacked underneath are berries and native plants.
We will also use the on-site production of the nitrogen-fertilizer nutrients from chicken waste, mulch from leguminous cover grounds plants, and some trees inter-planted in the fruit forest.

This Long Beach lot has a mild slope from East to West, perfect for water distribution. We propose measures to minimize the use of water by a rational distribution from the water-barrels placed at the highest point of the lot and by having abundant on-site mulch resources.

The energy sourced by the solar roof collectors on the roof of the existing structure will provide power for various future needs and for the pump to move water from a reserve tank to the barrels. From the barrels, the water flows through the mainline and then drip-line irrigation to vegetable patches.


“The Problem is the Solution” – a well-known quote among Permaculturists, is present on our farm in its many resilience aspects:

  • by using the on-site solar system as the energy source instead of fuel,
  • by recycling the farm’s waste and weeds into compost, not landfill,
  • by reducing the pressure on the agricultural land to restore the soil,
  • by increasing local food availability instead of trucks carrying food,
  • by actively decreasing the daily carbon footprint,
  • by the beneficial plants and bugs for pest control on-site.


The dynamics between different communities’ desires provide different creative methods and aspirations and become a conduit to get together in learning from nature about life and practicing Permaculture Design. We value the realm of possibility for cooperation between members and the likelihood of enjoyment for work, interaction, and harvesting.

An essential part of the Permaculture Design framework became the synergy created between different age groups. The youngest community members get to have their learning and experimentation area of farming facilitated by their individual 26” high raised beds. Children and youth are supported by observing and encouraged to participate with all community members in activities like Meditation, Yoga, Art workshops, and other various events.


The typical urban lot in Long Beach can become representative of the city for envisioning how a local neighborhood site can evolve into an eco-friendly and resilient community through understanding and practicing of Permaculture Design thinking.

From learning about growing food, the younger generation can develop a positive social engagement that contributes to the world. It is vital to activate local communities in the city and offer to future generations ways to create a harmonious and enthusiastic connection between people and nature while learning useful skills from the practice of Permaculture Design.

With the redesign of this lot, we have a vision of applying Permaculture Design ethics and principles to the community. We can create a healthy framework that can provide sustainability and resiliency to the neighborhood’s population.

By cultivating food locally, people develop a positive local healthy lifestyle that impacts climate change and creates pathways for a prosperous future.

A single LOT can do A LOT with Permaculture Design

Permaculture Design Project : 2012 Carmelitos Housing Apartments – Long Beach, CA

The Carmelitos project was initiated in 2012 and revised in 2019.

Carmelitos is a public housing community with high unemployment. It is situated on 68 acres in the City of Long Beach and managed by the Housing Authority of Los Angeles County. The average income per household is about $15,000 with a median age population of 25 years old, with a large number of at-risk youth.

Originally built in 1939 for military housing, today Carmelitos, with more than 2000 dwellers has a potential of a 1200 total workforce.
There are approx. 558 households in addition to 155 senior housing units:

  • 270 preschool children 0 – 4
  • 440 school age kids 5-14 (710 children)
  • 177 young adults 15-20
  • 583 basic workforce 20-44
  • 307 middle age 45-65 (1200 total workforce)
  • 140 seniors 65+


1938-39 Carmelitos General Layout
by Associated Housing Architects

In 2012 there are about 2000 dwellers living in the Carmelitos neighborhood

Vision: Create a long term self-reliant and sustainable eco-system for its residents, foster a sense of community and achieve a dynamic local economy. Inspire others to break the cycle of poverty and duplicate the model to become productive citizens.


  • An urban permaculture design to Carmelitos
  • Achieve economic security for its dwellers
  • Provide education and training for local improvements
  • Create a long term self-reliant and sustainable plan
  • Inspire to achieve a sense of community and place
  • Implement an outdoor healthy lifestyle and activities

Goal: The goal is to initiate new enterprises and jobs in Carmelitos: starting with providing leadership and training skills to create kitchen gardens for its residents including building earth ovens, small animals husbandry and children playgrounds. Then, create an array of jobs around productive orchards, a farmer’s market, rainwater-harvesting systems, use of solar energy, and also create various opportunities for celebrations and social events to bring in business.

The Basics of Permaculture

Envisioning a design system for an ecological and sustainable living by integrating the people with plants, animals, buildings, and community.

Permaculture is about productive economies: it teaches people communication skills about working together, outdoor healthy lifestyle activities and creating ecologically sound communities.

Permaculture stimulates the involvement of all residents with business opportunities throughout the community and with outdoor learning activities especially for keeping the young at-risk engaged with positive, social and productive activities on site.

The Strip Mall can become a commercial mixed-use center: shops, offices and a learning center can be included with other functions, in addition to a green, activated roof garden and solar panels. The weekly open Farmers’ Market on the street mall should be beneficial in serving the surrounding community.

Permaculture Approach

  • access to public open spaces
  • edible landscapes
  • events promenade
  • open markets
  • children’s outdoor classes
  • roof gardens on buildings
  • petting zoo
  • orchards and picnic areas
  • integrate seniors and children activities

Water Harvesting

Total roof area for Carmelitos is approx. one acre. 600 gallons per 1000 S.F make 27,000 gallons of water per inch of rain.
Run-off coefficient is 10% for evaporation and infiltration. Long Beach gets an estimated 13 inches of rain annually. 27,000 X13 =351,000 gallons per year -35,100 for 10% run-off Total: 319,500 gallons of water to store for irrigations in cisterns

In the year 2020, we could proudly observe a transformation that turned around Carmelitos from a passive to an active community by engaging its residents and particularly the youth in becoming active, productive citizens, by bringing a better quality of life to its residents and helping build a solid local economy.

The success of this project can become a model for others to follow.

A start up proposal for applying Permaculture concepts to Carmelitos should draw on a team of advisors, experts, organizers and the collaboration of the community leaders and local government.

A further detail plan should be developed including a viability demonstration project. Resources for launching such a proposition and grant opportunities should be investigated.

For more information on a permaculture design project in your area, contact us for a consultation.

Prescribing Healthy Food Could Save Billions in Healthcare Costs?

Subsidizing fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods under Medicare and Medicaid could prevent millions of cardiovascular disease cases, according to a new model.

Every day, doctors write prescriptions for medications that will treat various ailments in their patients. Those prescriptions, though, come once the patient is already sick. In an effort to stop the disease before it starts, some researchers are pushing for policies and programs that would let doctors prescribe healthy foods and insurers to cover them—actively helping patients shift to a health-promoting diet.

These types of programs work: Subsidizing fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods under Medicare and Medicaid could prevent millions of cases, as well as deaths from cardiovascular disease, according to a new model. It would prevent hundreds of thousands of diabetes cases, as well, and save billions of dollars in healthcare costs.

“The power of food as medicine is increasingly clear,” says study author Dariush Mozaffarian, dean of the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University. And the idea of treating food as a key element of healthcare is catching on across the healthcare industry, says Rita Nguyen, Medical Director of Healthy Food Initiatives at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital. “People are recognizing the common sense of it all,” she says. “We spend so much on healthcare, and our outcomes are abysmal. We don’t invest in prevention.”

Food as medicine doesn’t mean that individual foods can be used to treat individual conditions or diseases, but that a healthy diet can help manage disease, Nguyen notes—the leading risk factor for cardiovascular disease, for example, is a poor diet. “With food insecurity, treating someone by giving them food can improve health. For those who are food secure, anyone given a good diet will have improved health management,” she says.

The new model analyzed the effects of two policy scenarios: In the first, 30 percent of the costs of fruits and vegetables would be covered under Medicare and Medicaid; in the second, 30 percent of fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods like whole grains and seafood would be covered. The model incorporated things like socio-economic demographics and health risk factors of people enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid, data on the way price decreases change healthy food purchasing behaviors, and subsidy costs.

The study team found that subsidizing fruits and vegetables would prevent 1.93 million cardiovascular events, like heart attacks, and 350,000 deaths from the conditions. Subsidizing fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods would prevent 3.28 million cardiovascular events, 620,000 deaths, and 120,000 cases of diabetes. The fruits and vegetable program would save nearly $40 billion in healthcare costs, and the addition of other healthy foods would save over $100 billion

“It costs money, but most of that is offset by lower healthcare costs,” Mozaffarian says. “When you look at the cost per year of life saved, all of the interventions were extremely cost-effective.” It’s just as cost-effective, he says, as paying for drugs to prevent high blood pressure.

“So many of us want health insurance companies to recognize the value of food,” Nguyen says. “It’s not because we’re ‘bleeding heart liberals.’ It’s based on science. When you give people food, and healthy food, it saves money.”

While the new model provides a big-picture look at the national effect of such a program, on-the-ground efforts to implement similar interventions are also key to understanding the impact of food subsidies and prescriptions. Such studies are underway or in planning stages: A $6 million study in California is providing medically tailored meals to patients and the 2018 Farm Bill included $25 million in funding for produce prescription pilot studies.

“This food as medicine approaches are gaining real traction,” Mozaffarian says. “If pilot studies are implemented and work, there’s a very real chance you could in the near future go to the doctor, a doctor could write a prescription for food, and an insurance company will pay for the part.”

The conversations around health-focused food subsidies also highlight that the barriers to healthy food are largely financial. “Food security is a money issue,” Nguyen says. “If you have the money, you can get healthy food.” While food deserts are important issues, they’re not the primary hurdle—and research shows that simply adding grocery stores doesn’t increase people’s consumption of healthy food or their health. “It’s not to say access isn’t an issue, but often times in low-income communities, it’s not the main thing,” she says.

Food prescription and subsidy programs that lower costs, though, can help, and are designed to stop healthcare problems and costs from ever appearing. “If our social structures aren’t aligned to support people meeting their basic needs to support health, we’ve chosen to pay for it in other ways. And then we have worse health outcomes,” Nguyen says.

In other words, if we’re worried about high blood sugar, food interventions might be a better bet than doctor’s visits and high-tech medicine. If we’re focused on making sure people are getting their blood sugar levels checked regularly, she says, it’s already too late. “Access to healthcare isn’t going to really stop the source.”

Source: Popular Science

How Gardening Can Help Millennials Cope with Stress in the Workplace

Simon Sinek interview “Millennials in the Workplace.” Simon talks about struggles millennials face in building confidence, having patience, learning social skills, and having a balance with technology and being more involved with the environment. I have taken some excerpts from that interview to explain how gardening, specifically urban farming can aid millennials in coping with these problems and becoming more fulfilled in their lives.

Sinek states that we have a generation growing up with lower self-esteem that doesn’t have the coping mechanisms to deal with stress and now you add in the sense of impatience. They’ve grown up in a world of instant gratification. You want to buy something, you go on Amazon and it arrives the next day. You want to watch a movie, login and watch a movie. You don’t check movie times. You want to watch a TV show, binge. You don’t even have to wait for week-to-week-to-week. Many people skip seasons so that they can binge at the end of the season…

Now having instant gratification can be a problem when it comes to not getting what you want in the workplace. Creating your garden at home can help and fight the mechanisms of entitlement. Having the ability to grow your own crops and nourishing food can reap the same rewarding effects as binge-watching your favorite show. Planting a variety of greens in different seasons builds patience and is having the satisfying impact that it comes from a person’s manual labor. Using different strategies of growing such as Permaculture or Hydroponics aid in being more focused and relaxed, which stimulates better workflow.

With the joy of cultivating crops and plants, millennials can share and trade with other locals, and build strong bonds when it comes to gaining knowledge of having a healthy diet and enjoying fresh quality food.

Simon says at the end of his interview that millennials, whether we like it or not, don’t get a choice, and now have a responsibility to make up the shortfall. We get to help this fantastic, idealistic, fantastic generation build their confidence, learn patience, learn the necessary social skills, find a better balance between life and technology because quite frankly it’s the right thing to do.

I agree with this and express that millennials now have a responsibility to save the earth and find new ways to fight food scarcity and build better logistics in distributing food locally in this country. Urban farmers have come out with eco-friendly systems that minimize the use of land, water, labor, and energy. Millennials can use gardening as a powerful tool to not only cope with stress and social skills but become more sustainable and aid in building a better planet, one garden at a time.

Farm Urbana is engaged in helping design and build edible gardens in urban environments.

Source: Ochen

Farm Urbana is now a certified GREEN Business

Mayor Robert Garcia and City Councilwoman Suzie Price held a ceremony in Belmont Shore to recognize the first group of small businesses including Farm Urbana as an official certified Green Business in the city of Long Beach. Office of Sustainability Communications Specialist Courtney Chatterson and Chief Larry Rich were instrumental in making Long Beach a greener and more sustainable city and having Farm Urbana be a partner of the California Green Business Network.

Being part of the California Certified Green Business Network is the clearest way to show our community and clients that we care to be part of a global awareness towards sustainability. Our certification shows Farm Urbana’s commitment to taking action to conserve resources and prevent pollution in both the facility and operations. It means that our business complies with environmental regulations in the areas of waste, energy, water, pollution prevention, and air quality.

We have been promoting sustainability in the past few years with our edible gardens and now is the perfect opportunity to align ourselves with other businesses in building a greener, more vibrant economy, and helping our communities thrive. For more information, please visit

Permaculture: A Quiet Revolution – An Interview with Bill Mollison


Fragments From An Interview By Scott London: Permaculture: A Quiet Revolution – An Interview with Bill Mollison

Permaculture from permanent and agriculture — is an integrated design philosophy that encompasses gardening, architecture, horticulture, ecology, even money management and community design. The basic approach is to create sustainable systems that provide for their own needs and recycle their waste.

Mollison developed permaculture after spending decades in the rainforests and deserts of Australia studying ecosystems. He observed that plants naturally group themselves in mutually beneficial communities. He used this idea to develop a different approach to agriculture and community design, one that seeks to place the right elements together so they sustain and support each other.


London: Permaculture teaches us how to use the minimum amount of energy needed to get a job done.

Mollison: That’s right. Every house should be over-producing its energy and be selling to the grid. We have built entire villages that do that — where one or two buildings hold the solar panels for all sixty homes and sell the surplus to the grid. In seven years, you can pay off all your expenses and run free.

London: Short of starting a farm, what can we do to make our cities more sustainable?

Mollison: Catch the water off your roof. Grow your own food. Make your own energy. It’s insanely easy to do all that. It takes you less time to grow your food than to walk down to the supermarket to buy it. Ask any good organic gardener who mulches how much time he spends on his garden and he’ll say, “Oh, a few minutes every week.” By the time you have taken your car and driven to the supermarket, taken your foraging-trolley and collected your wild greens, and driven back home again, you’ve spent a good hour or two — plus you’ve spent a lot of money.

London: Even though permaculture is based on scientific principles, it seems to have a very strong philosophical or ethical dimension.

Mollison: There is an ethical dimension because I think science without ethics is sociopathology. To say, “I’ll apply what I know regardless of the outcome” is to take absolutely no responsibility for your actions. I don’t want to be associated with that sort of science.

London: What do you think you’ve started?

Mollison: Well, it’s a revolution. But it’s the sort of revolution that no one will notice. It might get a little shadier. Buildings might function better. You might have less money to earn because your food is all around you and you don’t have any energy costs. Giant amounts of money might be freed up in society so that we can provide for ourselves better.

So it’s a revolution. But permaculture is anti-political. There is no room for politicians or administrators or priests. And there are no laws either. The only ethics we obey are care of the earth, care of people, and reinvestment in those ends.

Source: Scott London