Farm Urbana’s Gallery
Check out our gallery full of work from different locations and cities.
Farm Urbana’s vision is to provide access to fresh produce in dense urban areas. We want to engage healthy and sustainable living and empower people to grow their own food.
Our mission is to supply our clients with an easy to grow system that is eco-friendly and resourceful. People will be able to cultivate nutritious food that will reduce the use of water, labor, and land.
Farm Urbana’s mission is to inspire healthy and sustainable living and empower people to grow their own food. We aim to engage city dwellers in our vision of the transformative potential of urban farming and edible gardens. The urban environment becomes a place that can sustain its inhabitants’ basic needs, and raise awareness about health, wellness, and community sustainability.
With water scarcity, food and fuel inflation, and population growth in urban environments, Farm Urbana provides families and communities an innovative, sustainable vertical growing system for urban farmers called the Tower Garden. The Tower Garden is an advanced vertical aeroponic system that provides a continuous supply of nutritious produce, on a footprint of five square feet for 20-28 plants, while using 90% less water than in conventional farming.